April 6

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Today's Thoughts....
"In the beginning, God..." If we get this down pat, everything else falls into place with God at the center. They give everything in life its shape, purpose and meaning. With those ten words, superstition died, reason surged ahead. If we get this, everything else falls into place with God at the center. If God's on site first, everything is all about him and not about us.
The beginning of wisdom is that I have absolutely no say in how God should run and manage the world, and I am okay with that. It's the kindness of God that leads us to repentance-from beginning to end (Rom 2:4). He is author and finisher of our faith. God's story has a beginning and an end that never ends.
And if your God's child, his story is now your biography. Wow! God is the source, the means, and the goal of all things--the beginning, the middle, and the end--in all, over all, through all, to all. Yet, He doesn’t need us at all. He is self-sufficient. He is not needy. That’s our greatest hope and longing.
Today's Prayer....
Father, thank you that you are worthy to be worshipped because you are the only that deserves worship. You alone are God. You are the only sovereign. Any other so-called god is just that—so-called and fake. Lord, thank you that if you are at the center of all that I do everything else will fall into place. Reassure my heart today that trusting you is the most necessary thing I can do today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
April 7

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
Deuteronomy 4:39 "Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other."
Today's Thoughts....
Why did God say that "you shall have no other gods before me? (Exodus 20:3). When we worship what God has made instead of God himself, we become slaves of lords that cannot liberate.
"A bruised reed he will not break" (Isaiah 42:3). No other world-conqueror like this. Friend, there is none like God. With all your heart, then, seek after those things that no one, even death, can take away from you. And above all these things, seek Jesus.
Every time I hear someone say "I really hope there will be ______ in heaven," I remind myself that Christ is there, so no other hopes needed. I need no other argument; I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me! He is our rock and our strong tower. Though worms destroy my body, yet in my flesh I will see God. My eyes will behold him, and no other.
Today's Prayer...
Father, thank you that in my heart of hearts I know the truth of this verse—there is none other in the world. You are it. The buck stops with you, as it has been said. There is no higher authority. There is no supreme court. You are all in all. Thank you that you are in heaven but you came down to us in Christ. Praise you that in Christ we have all we need but often can’t understand that until we know you are all we have. Lord, help my heart understand these truths today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
April 8

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
Isaiah 43:10 "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."
Today's Thoughts...
What is the great theological insight God labors to impart to us? The heart of it is simply this: ""I am he."" And our election is not based on foreseen faith; it leads to faith. And remember: Who God is is more relevant to who I am than who I am. He thinks so, anyway.
We have no greater joy than that our children and walk in the truth. That Christ be formed in our children and that they be conformed to Him! I pray that Christ will be formed in them and that they grow to the full stature of Christ; that their hearts be totally devoted to Christ!
Are you living a radical new life that is formed out of the right here, right now benefits of the work of Christ? Our world says nothing we do makes any difference. God says he formed us for a glorious purpose. Let's go with God.
Today's Prayer....
Father, thank you that you are HE. You are the same God that has been the same God from eternity past and the same God that is in this present moment...and the same God that will be forever the same. For without this, we would be consumed. If you depended on anyone else, we would be lost. Father, thank you for being my all in all. Remind me today that what is before me is not for the One--you--that is before all things. You are worthy to be praised! I love you with all my heart. May your Spirit impart this truth to my family, my church, and all those without Christ. In your name. Amen.
April 9

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me."
Today's Thoughts...
Idols can't speak, can't see, and can't hear. So are all who trust in them. This is why discontentment always leads to worship: either of idols that don't satisfy or of Christ who is all-satisfying.
Each of us has idols. Are you willing to admit to yours? What are you doing to kill your idol(s)? In coming to terms with what idols we hold dear, it’s wise to first determine what few idols we don’t have. Not only do we have lovely little idol factories in our hearts, we've created fantasy worlds where our idols reign supreme.
2 Cor. 5:15 reminds us that the purpose of the cross is to completely eradicate your allegiance to the most tempting and powerful of all idols--the idol of self. Idols make promises they can't keep. This is why you can have everything you think you want and still feel empty. But when we open our hand to receive Christ, the idols fall out.
Today's Prayer
Father, there is none like you, but there are plenty like me. The idol of self may not be what I believe to be the primary motivation of my heart - but I know from practical experience otherwise. All our idols have one thing in common, when we look at them in the right light we can see reflections of ourselves. Help me remember that any of our brethren succumbing today to the idols of consumerism & materialism need gospel, not shame. Use me today to minister in your name to my ownself and those around me. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
April 10

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
Mark 12:30 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."
Today's Thoughts...
The old hymn says: "Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above."
Friend, that hymn, in essence, comes from Mark 12:30 before us. But try wrapping your heart around this truth--The unmerited, irrevocable, immutable, incomprehensible and immensity of God's love for you can never be exhausted. It will never change. Because God needs no help, the door of God's home is the love of God's heart (Psalm 5:7).
I don't know about you, but I am irritated by my mind which cannot comprehend, my heart which cannot contain, and my hand which cannot write about the love of God I see. But let's remember: It was the unconditional nature of God’s love that most captivated the heart of the apostle Paul (2 Cor.5:14)--and that should captivate ours, too. And the larger our heart for God, the larger will be our heart to love others.
Today's Prayer...
Father, thank you that it is even possible to love. How I am reminded today that you told me I can only love because you first loved us. And that you so loved the world that you gave you one and only son, Jesus Christ. To know that it is possible to be both loved and to be loved by you is amazing. Shatter my idols that keep me from living out this truth before you and others. I pray this knowing that you are worthy and willing to grant it. In Jesus' name. Amen.
April 11

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
Joshua 22:5 "Be careful to keep...to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul."
Today's Thoughts...
Whales, worms, plants (Jonah 2:10; 4:6), famines (2 Kings 8:1), wind (Mark 4:41), birds (1 Kings 17:4), and cancer cells, to name a few, OBEY God. It's always worth mentioning: It's not legalistic to obey God or to want to. It is what He has commanded you to do because of who He is.
When we obey God's laws, we become a means of grace to our neighbors. Struggling to know God's will is almost not found in scripture. Struggling to obey God is ever-present. Be satisfied, and when he calls, we should obey.
A life redefined by God's grace is also a life renewed in God's holiness. Mercy alone wins true obedience. We must not make the mistake of thinking our obedience validates our love for God. Rather, genuine affection for God causes obedience.
Today's Prayer...
Father, thank you that you are not concerned with our eloquence; but you desire our obedience. What we do is much more important than what we say. Lord, help me in simple obedience to follow what you have commanded. Lord, since there is none like you, there is no one else to obey or run after. I am free to follow you because you are free from anyone or anything else. Thank you that required perfect obedience. But, Lord, your provision was a perfect Redeemer and the result was peace with you. I praise you for this and more in Jesus' name. Amen.
April 12

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at www.towerviewkc.com/live
2 Timothy 3:16 "Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness..."
Today's Thoughts...
The teachings of scripture are weighty and good, and they help us know if we are born of God (see 1 John). This is why we don't compromise on Scripture. We do people a great disservice when we water down God's Word.
The need of the day: That God would raise up doctrinally-sound Christians who believe in the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture. For these people, these are two of the most significant words in all of Scripture: ""but God."" For Jesus, what Scripture says God says (Matt. 19:4-5). Is this not why Jesus said, “Why you are wrong: you know not Scripture or the power of God."" Mark 12:24. Keys to truth: Love God's word and His sovereignty.
Until we have mastered Scripture we have no right to the complaint ""God isn't talking to me lately."" (And you can't master Scripture.) Nurture your soul in the marrow of Scripture... Draw strength from your God in prayer... He is an endless treasure for His people.
Today's Prayer...
Father, some say there is no safer place than the middle of God's will. Scripture says there is no more dangerous place but that Christ is worth it! "He restores the fortunes of His people" is often repeated in Scripture. Our hope in loss and devastation. Our God restores! Thank you for these truths, Lord. You are amazing, and your Word is all I need for all matters of faith and practice. In Jesus' name. Amen.