Jesus said even He came not to be served--but to serve (John 13:1-17). We want to be like him!
Thank you for exploring some of the ways you can serve at Tower View Baptist Church. We believe that God has given all of us gifts and talents to serve the Body of Christ and to tell unbelieving world the Gospel story. Current and active TVBC members are welcome to inquire about any of the current openings listed below that match their gifts and passions.
There are many opportunities to Serve Tower View (to support the operation of the ministries of the church) or to Serve Others (to participate in ministries both at Tower View and outside our walls that directly or indirectly impact people). We believe that every opportunity serves others whether directly or indirectly.
Not see anything that fits your specific skill set? Don't worry! Simply contact us and ask for more information about how you can serve.
If you are interested in volunteering with children or youth in any capacity, you must 1. pass a background check and 2. go through training prior to serving.
Please fill out the form below to be considered for service!
Our church would not function without the work and dedication of our members. Thank you again for your interest!