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Request for Assistance

Official form for a request for assistance from Tower View Baptist Church.

Thank you for taking a moment to fill out our request for assistance. Before we get to the "nuts and bolts," know we understand this is a hard time for you. We want you to know we are praying for you and you are welcome at our church anytime for our gatherings to worship our risen Lord Jesus Christ.


Our aim is to provide assistance in accordance with biblical principles of helping widows, orphans, and the poor and needy. Our financial assistance is limited to the basic necessities to include food, shelter/housing (not hotels), clothing, transportation, some medical, and biblical counseling, etc.

We encourage you to be actively involved in your local, Bible-teaching church during times of hardship and blessing.



  • Complete the below form and submit it. After your submission has been reviewed, the benevolence ministry will discuss them and they will make recommendations. Someone from the benevolence ministry or office will contact you.
  • This information will be kept confidential and only shared with members of the ministry and those who will ultimately assist you.
  • Payments will be made directly to payees and not to individuals, as we do not give cash gifts to individuals.
  • We do not pay for hotels.
  • Processing can take up to 5 business days after submittal.
  • NOTE: Submittal of this form doesn’t guarantee assistance will be given.



While we are happy to consider your assistance need, the greatest gift we all need as sinners is the gift of salvation found on in Jesus Christ. We urge you to please click this link to find out more.

By agreeing to submit this form you agree to the following statement:

"I authorize the benevolence ministry at Tower View Baptist Church to review the information I have provided. I am seeking God’s help through them to use wisdom and discernment in helping me in my present situation. I understand

that they will make recommendations and may provide limited financial assistance."