Don Carson once said:
"The most urgent need of the church in the Western world is the need to pray."
American evangelicalism's tendency to equate bigness with success is more American than it is evangelical—or, more importantly, biblical.
We're too successful. We don't need God.
If you want to know what most Christians consider success, read social media. If you want to know what the Lord considers success, read your Bible.
May we reminded that a sign we’re growing in grace: we let GOD define words like "blessing", "prosperity" & "success”. You see, ministry success is determined by our faithfulness, not by the number of our converts. We must not be content with the success of "our" ministries. We must not be content until Christ reigns over every inch of this world.
Isn’t this what our Savor taught us? Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). If we are not fishing, we are not following. What if I am a follower but I haven’t got any fish yet? How many fish do I have to get to be a genuine follower? The issue is faithful, not successful.
Ezekiel 37:8 reminds us that it's possible to look alive, strong, healthy, successful . . . and be devoid of the Spirit's breath of life. It is true: A successful ministry is one that is both faithful & fruitful. Sole focus on one, at the expense of the other, is a recipe for failure. Overall, the doctrine of sovereign election guarantees the ultimate success of evangelism, but never negates our personal responsibility to it.
Some biblical truths to ponder and pray over…