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The Alpha-Omega Hold

Our eternal security in Christ is not a matter of us holding onto Him, but Him holding onto us.

Our eternal security in Christ is not a matter of us holding onto Him, but Him holding onto us.

As John opens up the book of Revelation, this is reaffirmed, in part, in Revelation 1:8:

“’I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’”

And, in the book of Romans, chapter eight stands as a pinnacle of truth, often considered the apex of the entire Bible. This chapter addresses one of the most important doctrinal truths taught in Scripture – the eternal security of the believer. As we delve into this passage, we discover four powerful arguments that uphold this truth. Through God's inspired and inerrant Word, we find immense comfort and encouragement, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

Let’s look at Romans 8:31-39:

No Accusation Can Condemn Us

Paul begins his argument by assuring believers that no accusation can incriminate them before God. In 8:31, he poses a question: "If God is for us, who is against us?" The assurance lies in the fact that God, who justifies us, stands with us. No charge or accusation brought against us can reverse the divine pronouncement of our salvation. We are eternally secure in Christ, shielded from condemnation.

No Blessing Can Escape Us

Paul continues by highlighting that God, who did not spare his own Son but delivered Him over for us all, will also freely give us all things. This argument moves beyond material blessings and focuses on the spiritual blessings secured for us through Christ's sacrifice. These blessings encompass forgiveness of sin, the removal of our guilt, and the imputation of Christ's righteousness. Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places is ours in Christ Jesus.

No Tribulation Can Overcome Us

In verse 8:35, Paul acknowledges the difficulty believers may face – tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword. Despite these challenges, we are assured of victory. We are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us. Our faith may be tested, but we will never be separated from the love of God. In every circumstance, we can rest in the assurance of His unfailing love.

No Power Can Separate Us

Paul concludes his argument in 8:37-39 by stating that nothing – not death, life, angels, principalities, present or future things, powers, height, depth, or any other created thing – can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. These words resound with the unwavering truth of God's eternal grip on our lives. No force or power can sever our relationship with Him. We are eternally secure in His love and grace.

And there's more...

And what about Jude 24-25? These verses remind us that God is able to keep us when we cannot keep ourselves.

Trusting in God's Ability to Keep Us

Jude 24 begins by encouraging us to trust in the God who is able to keep us. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God's ability and power. Romans 16:25 and Ephesians 3:20 also emphasize God's ability in strengthening us and exceeding our expectations. The emphasis is on divine omnipotence, the inherent and infinite power of Almighty God. We can trust that God is able to preserve us on earth and keep us from stumbling.

Preserving Us on Earth


God's ability to keep us from stumbling is highlighted in Jude 24. The term "stumbling" refers to falling into error and sin, and it also implies falling away from the faith. We, as weak individuals, are prone to trip, stumble, and fall. However, God is able to preserve us and keep us on our feet. He guards and protects us from the slippery places in the world and the schemes of the enemy. While we cannot achieve sinless perfection, God's power enables us to walk in consistent obedience and resist temptations.

Presenting Us in Heaven


Jude 24 goes beyond God's preservation on earth and assures us that He will present us in heaven. This presentation is about making us stand blameless before the presence of His glory. We are reminded that our salvation is a miracle performed by the sovereign grace of God. It is a miracle that we are saved, and it is a further miracle that we continue in the faith. Our ability to stand before the presence of God is not due to our own efforts or merits, but solely because of God's work on our behalf. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can be presented blameless before God.

God's Great Joy

The doxology in Jude 25 concludes by highlighting the joy that accompanies God's presentation of believers. It is not just joy; it is great joy and exceeding joy. This joy is a public celebration marked by singing, dancing, and shouting. In the presence of God's glory, we will experience a profound and eternal joy that surpasses personal happiness. It is a joy that springs from the redemption and restoration we have received through Christ.

Because of his character God is able to keep us when we cannot keep ourselves. We can trust in His power to preserve us on earth and present us blameless before the presence of His glory. Our salvation is a miracle, and it is a cause for great joy. May we continue to trust in Him and live in the assurance of His love and care.