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Sleep Well for God is Awake

Seven theological and practical reminders to help you sleep like someone whose God is actually alive

Sleep is a precious commodity. Here are seven theological and practical reminders to help you sleep like someone whose God is actually alive. 

He’s risen. He’s risen, indeed!

1.) God is forever taking care of business.

Yes, you probably hear the 1990 Bachman-Turner Overdrive song by the same title in your head. God still sits on the throne! Go about your business (Psalm 47:8). It is our business to cast our cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and God’s business to take care of all things.

2.) Your sins past, present, and and future are forgiven and God has declared you to be righteous in Christ.

Whoa! It isn’t a 50/50 contract—Jesus sealed the deal. It's sealed by grace alone in Christ alone: “It is finished” (John 19:30). 

3.) Jesus has extinguished God the Father’s righteous, wrathful judgment against you and has secured God’s delight in you!

Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath so we could drink the cup of God’s utter forgiveness (Rom. 3:25). Sometimes I hear Christians say, “I’m in debt to God.” On the contrary! We’re not in debt—Jesus bore God’s wrath and paid our debt fully (Isaiah 53:1-10). This is another reason to rest well!

4.) God the Father loves you as much as he loves his beloved Son (perfect, infinitely), and there’s nothing you can do about it.

You are as secure as Christ is (Eph. 1:13-14). No one loves you like Jesus, so unplug your life-giving cord from people, and live, love, and serve to God’s glory today (1 Cor. 10:31). Rest!  

5.) Nothing can separate us from God’s love, rip us from his hand, or tear us from his heart (Rom. 8:31-39).

 “…Your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3). You’re hidden away in the most secure cleft in the highest Rock, and watered with mountain springs of joy. In Christ, we’re not only forgiven, but also sealed, enjoyed, righteous, beloved, secure, His child, and so much more!

6.) Nothing we do, think, or say surprises God. Ever.

God isn’t some “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” God that makes things up as He goes (Isa. 46:9-10). Your Father isn’t surprised by the details of your story because He wrote it (Eph. 2:10). You’re in good hands—and eternally better hands than Allstate.

7.) God doesn’t slumber nor does he sleep–so we can and get to do both!

I take great confidence in the fact that He who keeps me won’t slumber (Psa. 121:1-2). Are there any more comforting words to remember as you start (or end) your day than these?