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Bible Reading Plan

Bible engagement is the foundational principle for discipleship.

After 10 years of research, Lifeway stated two things about spiritual maturity: 

1. Biblical engagement is the #1 spiritual discipline for growth.

2. Biblical engagement affects every other discipline. People who engage in the Bible give more, serve more, evangelize more, etc.

At TVBC, We believe that it is of upmost importance to regularly spend time reading and meditating on the scriptures as individuals and families. Not only is it commanded of us by God, but it is also an invitation to grow in nearness to him by reading, understanding, & applying his words, which were given graciously to us.

Beginning in 2024, we will be reading the Foundations New Testament reading plan, or F260, together as an entire church body. You can find them for download below -- adults and kids

What is the F260 and Who Should Use It?

The F-260 is a 260-day Bible reading plan that highlights the foundational passages of Scripture that every disciple should know.

After failed attempts of reading through the Bible in a year with previous discipleship groups, this was created to be a manageable plan that believers who never read the Bible before could complete.

How Does It Work?

The plan expects believers to read 1 or 2 chapters a day for 5 days each week, with an allowance for weekends off.

The 2 off-days a week are built in so you may catch up on days where you’re unable to read In order to digest more of the Word.

The F-260 encourages believers to read less and to keep a H.E.A.R. Journal.

H.E.A.R Method

The H.E.A.R. journal has been designed to help readers take away one thought from their daily reading and apply it to their life. The acronym H.E.A.R. stands for:

Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond.

It is our prayer that this simple four step method will help you connect with God as you read His Word.

--H-Highlight – Select a verse that stands out to you. Write down the verse as well as the reference.

--E-Explain – In a few sentences, describe context of the verses (Who wrote it? What is happening?)

--A-Application – In a few sentences write down why exactly this verse spoke to you and how you plan to apply it to your life.

--R-Respond – Simply write out a prayer seeking wisdom and strength from God to help you apply what God has revealed to you in your time in His Word.

Sample H.E.A.R. Entry

Read: Philippians 4:10-13

Date: 12-28-23

Title: Secret of Contentment

H (Highlight)

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

E (Explain)

Paul was telling the church at Philippi that he has discovered the secret of

contentment. No matter the situation in Paul’s life, he realized that Christ was all he needed, and Christ was the one who strengthened him to persevere through difficult times.

A (Apply)

In my life, I will experience many ups and downs. My contentment is not found in circumstances. Rather, it is based on my relationship with Jesus Christ. Only Jesus gives me the strength I need to be content in every circumstance of life.

R (Respond)

Lord Jesus, please help me as I strive to be content in you. Through your strength, I can make it through any situation I must face. In your name. Amen.