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Daily Devotional 3-29

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional

TVBC Daily Devotional

During this pandemic, we'd like to share a daily devotional -- a little of what the Lord has been teaching us in relation to our life and faith in these uncertain times. Maybe you can relate. You may also find our daily video devotionals at


READ: 2 Sam. 3-5; 1 Chr. 12; Ps. 122; Acts 22

Psalm 122:1 “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD!’”

Today’s Thoughts…

Is this how you feel about your church? Is how you feel about the work God is doing at your church?

Yes, we can bellyache about what a mess the Christian Church is, because it really is. But even more, we can rejoice over what magnificent people most Christians are, because they really are. Like *move-us-to-tears* magnificent.

. . . rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ. Colossians 2:5

Paul saw two things in this imperfect church that made him rejoice:

1. Good order, as opposed to scatteredness, and chaos. Good order means the people in the church are marching forward together as one, with clear


2. Firmness of faith, as opposed to uncertainty and hesitation. Firmness of faith means the people in the church cherish glad-hearted biblical convictions, without apology.

C. F. D. Moule points out that Paul is using military terms here. He paraphrases: “. . . your orderly formation and the firm front which your faith in Christ presents.”

A church may have many weaknesses, and inevitably does, but coordinated effort and firm convictions make a church an apostle would rejoice over.

"Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?" (Ps 85:6).

An alive church is many things. But first, happy in Jesus.

Is that yours?

Today’s Prayer…

Father, as we gather in our local church families this weekend in a different way than usual because of this pandemic to worship you, would you fill our hearts with a vision of the Day when your every-nation family will stream into the New Jerusalem? Overwhelm us with the riches & reach of your glorious gospel & irrepressible sovereignty. In Jesus’ name. Amen.