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9 Truths About God's Reign

The most under-reported story of the day: God reigns. And everything is going his way.

The most under-reported story of the day: Jesus reigns, with all authority in heaven and on earth, and everything is going his way. There is no deeper, more lasting surety for the people of God than what is captured by the phrase, "The Lord reigns."


God reigns.

o  Not Satan.

o  Not rulers.

o  Not circumstances.

o  Not good luck.

o  Not bad luck.

o  Not fate.

o  Not blind fate.

o  Not accidents.

o  Not the alignment of the stars.

o  Not random events.

o  Not fortune.

o  Not karma.


But God and God alone.



Psalm 93:1, which isn’t ascribed to anyone, reminds us:


“The LORD reigns; he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed; he has put on strength as his belt. Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved.”


What does it really mean that God reigns? Here are several theological-practical thoughts. May these encourage you as you seek to love God and others for his glory.

1.    The reign of sin is temporary, the reign of God's power and grace is eternal. God's promise is sure, there will be a final end to violence, suffering and sin and righteousness and peace will reign forever and ever (Is. 52:7). Reigning God. Good news. Great happiness.


2.    The thing that God is doing in the world, the great work of God in history, is not about our country, or any country, but about God’s kingdom and the reign and rule of Jesus Christ.  Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Soviet. Empires gone. Jesus reigns on. The eternal reign of our God is great news for us and bad news for all the princes and presidents who try to reign without him. The spread of God’s reign and rule comes not by armies or elections, but by the words of the apostles and their followers as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8). 


3.    Read Psalm 46 and notice how it puts steel in our spines and calm in our heart. As we watch our world tearing itself apart—and, try as we do—we can’t stop the foolish self-destruction all around — right, left and center. But God reigns, God is present, God is with us. No need to freak out.


4.    You can rest this morning, not because people like you, you're healthy or finances are good, but because God reigns for his glory and your good (Rom. 8:28-30).  The God who watches over us neither slumbers nor sleeps. He reigns so we can rest (Psalm 121:4).


5.    No matter what happened in your life last night or last week: Jesus lives, Jesus reigns, Jesus is coming again. Let us bow down and worship.  I am weak. Easily downcast. At the merest breeze, the sky is falling. But I cheer up when I remember this: Jesus reigns on high, and nothing in all this world can keep Him from pouring out His Spirit in a worldwide awakening and fresh cleansing to change the course of history. Yet, today as you face the difficulties of life, remember that Jesus reigns over everything that would trouble and confuse you (Colossians 1:16-21).

6.    The resurrection of Jesus guarantees the reign of Jesus, which guarantees the delivery of all of his promises to you and to me. The resurrection of Jesus Christ guarantees a second resurrection where you and the world around will be made new, death and evil will die and righteousness and peace will reign forever and ever. The resurrected Jesus Christ now reigns over all the things that if left to yourself would confuse and defeat you.


7.    We see one disaster after another coming at us, and we moan, “What next?” But let’s remember this. Because Jesus reigns on high over all of reality, Satan sees the same events and also moans, “What next?” Not that he ever admits it. Gotta keep the bluff going! The grace of Jesus the Victor guarantees that your spiritual battle, within and without, will ultimately be won and you will reign with the Victor and need to battle no more.

8.    When we put our trust in Jesus, God does not declare a truce over us. He declares the war over, and his peace reigns now and forever. Jesus saves. He reconciles. He redeems. He propitiates. He judges. He damns. He reigns. Jesus rescues, forgives, redeems, restores, loves, reigns, intercedes, rejoices and a bunch more awesome stuff. He reigns!

9.    What do we know for sure as this day continues? We know that Jesus reigns, and everything is going His way, even in the melodrama of this world. No need to freak out. Strong reasons to put one foot in front of the other and go do brave things today for the display of His glory.

Resurrected Jesus, right now, in the middle of this 2020 pandemic, you reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. All evil dominions and malevolent powers have been defeated. The Day of no more death and dying, viruses and villains, war and worry is coming. Hallelujah! In your name we thank you for all these truths and so many more we did not cover. Amen.