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8 Reminders While in the Storm

"The Lord makes the storm clouds.” Zechariah 10:1

The government changes, the weather changes, people change, situations of life change, your body changes—but have hope, Jesus never changes. Because of that, like the disciples, we can find hope in the middle of life’s storms.

Here are 8 reminders from about the difficulties we face and the God who is over all of them.

# 1 - Depending on our need, Jesus calms storms and creates storms. Both are demonstrations of his mercy and might.

"He commanded and raised the stormy wind. . . He made the storm be still" (Psalm 107:25, 29). The Lord gives and takes away.

#2 - When God sends us into the storms, it is never to drown us, but to shape us—never to sink us, but to disciple us.

"Underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deut. 33:27). Don't fret, Christian eyes, for what you see. No storm can threaten eternity.

#3 - Believers should never become focused on the storms of life to the exclusion of the sovereignty of God.

Don't fear storms. Storm clouds bring water. Water brings growth (1 Cor. 3).

#4 - Sometimes Jesus gives us peace by calming the storm, and, sometimes, by giving us peace as the storm rages on.

In the storms of life, Christ gives us His peace--not the subtraction of problems, but the addition of inner calmness that dissolves fears (Phil. 4:6-8).

#5 - God hasn't promised to keep you safe FROM the storm, but he has assured you he'll be your shelter IN the storm till the storms cease.

Since all winds obey him he says we should not fear the storm. Mark 4:40: Unstated premise: We are precious to him.

#6 - The very storms we dread are the tools of God's providence to conform us to the image of His Son - they bring forth fruit of righteousness.

God uses both joys and sorrows to conform us into the image of His Son (Phil. 1:6).

#7 - God leads you into the storm not because he's abandoned his grace, but because of his grace.

Often, we need every storm to see the glory of God. Feeling forgotten and even abandoned by God is a common experience for believers. Remedy: meditate on Isaiah 40.

#8 - There is a gathering storm at the end of this age that far exceeds any mere hurricane to hit our shores.

On Judgment Day, even the damned will declare: "God is just!" He will be exalted in judgment & prove Himself holy in righteousness (Is. 5:16).

What are you facing today? You can trust Jesus even when the storms of life are raging.