Theologian Warren W. Wiersbe said well:
“I am convinced that congregations learn more theology (good and bad) from the songs they sing than from the sermons they hear.”
And the great Reformer, Martin Luther, said well:
“As long as we live, there is never enough singing.”
Indeed, the psalmist reminds us: “It is good to sing praises to our God” (Psalm 147:1).
Today, here are some reminders why singing in the church is so important for our faith.

7 Truths About Singing in Church
1.All God's people must sing, because all God's people have been saved. Remember, at church, you're singing with people you'll sing with forever, without sin, yours or theirs.
2.If you don't sing in church because you don't like to, but your excuse is "I have a bad voice," get over yourself, grow up, and sing. When you sing on Sunday, sing fervently because God may be using your truth-filled voice to prop up a weary saint standing near you.
3.Some think they don't need the singing, just the preaching. Some think they don't need the preaching, just the singing. We all need both. Our worship service must be filled with the Bible. Read the Bible. Preach the Bible. Sing the Bible. Pray the Bible.
4.You can usually determine the depth of a church's spiritual maturity by the doctrinal depth or shallowness of the songs they sing. Let us preach of Christ, sing of Christ, look upon Christ. And become what we behold.
5.Show me a congregation that loves the gospel and loves each other, and I’ll show a congregation that loves to sing. Pray for the singing of your gathered church family each week. Gospel-filled hearts & liberated, blended, and loud voices, bless our Triune God.
6.When your church sings a song you don't like, sing it anyway because you can bet it serves the soul of another person standing near you. REMEMBER: He is worthy of every breath, of every beat of the heart. Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing and a thousand lives to pour out—even if the song, though biblical, is different than what you like or are used to.
7.You can't truly sing amazing grace until know how wretched you are. A man will esteem salvation only to the degree that he understands the terrors from which he is being saved - A view of hell and wrath.
“Let the nations be glad and sing for joy.“ Psalm 67:4
In God. In Christ. In faith. In one.
The world, our flesh, and our enemy can accuse us, attack us, and depress us but can never keep us from singing.