For those of you who can't sleep—whatever the fear, stress, illness, or pain—Father loves you & it's not always going to be like this. Here are several reasons why you can sleep deep and well tonight.
“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me." Psalm 3:5

1. The One who knows you the best loves you the most.
2. In the assurance of Jesus' finished work, the Spirit's ongoing work, and our Father's promise to complete the whole Story
3. He loves us and he reigns over all things.
4. Knowing God has made his peace w/ you in Jesus, has forgiven every sin you'll ever commit & has declared you righteous in Christ!
5. There’s no condemnation for our sin, no separation from God's love, no doubt about heaven's welcome, no end to God's mercies, & no obstacles to God's sovereignty.
6. Knowing God's favor is fully resting on us, God's Son is always praying for us, and God's Spirit is constantly working in us.
7. The love of the God who numbers our days & hairs, blots our sins & bottles our tears, sets up & sits down all kings.
8. We have peace with God through our union with Christ, no fear of death, no unforgiven sins, no condemnation remaining, and no doubt about our place in heaven. What a great Savior Jesus is!
9. Christ is over us, for us, in us, and coming back for us!
10. We’re secure in God's love, and protected by God's hand.
11. Knowing God didn't scorecard you today by your performance, but by Jesus' righteousness.
12. We’re robed in Christ's righteous, standing in God's grace, and rooted in his love.
13. We’re in the certainty of God's love, the security of God's sovereignty, and the hope of God's kingdom.
14. Jesus won't, for he neither sleeps nor slumbers, ever living to intercede for us.
15. We’re desired, delighted in, no unforgiven sins, no remaining debt, perfect righteousness given, perfect future guaranteed
16. We get Christ's righteousness, he got our sin; Christ took our judgment, we got God's favor.
17. Forgiven as we'll ever be; loved by the Father as much as he loves Jesus; as legally righteous & adopted as we'll be in heaven.
18. God's banner over us is love, his plans for us are perfect, his prayers for us are constant, and his delight in us is unwavering.
19. We’ve been rescued from the kingdom of darkness, declared righteous by God, hidden in Christ, desired & delighted in
20. We’re known comprehensively, forgiven exhaustively, justified irrevocably, loved immeasurably,
21. We’re forgiven, declared righteous, adopted, sealed, indwelt, beloved, desired, enjoyed, called, gifted, and kept.
22. There's nothing can separate us from God's love and no one can take us from Jesus' hand.
23. God loves you as much as he loves Jesus, and there's nothing you can do about it.
24. Jesus is not ashamed of us (Hebrews 2:11).

Friend, because Jesus will not sleep or slumber tonight, we can. Rest well, friends!