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15 Truths About Christ Alone

All religions and philosophies say, "This is the way." Only Jesus says, "I am the Way."

As we wrap up our study of the “5 Solas” of the Reformation on this blog and in our sermon on Sunday, we end with Christ alone (or, in Latin, Solus Christus / Solo Christo). This emphasizes that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ isn’t only necessary for our salvation-- but is also sufficient to save to the uttermost (Heb. 7:25).

In other words, no amount of human works, trying hard, sincerity, money, gifting, merit, etc. can contribute to Christ's finished priestly work. Christ’s all-sufficiency means, by implication, that we are insufficient of ourselves. Indeed, the Scripture says “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God” (2 Corinthians 3:5).

In no particular order, let’s take a look at some of the truths and practical implications of what knowing we are saved in Christ alone means for us for all time all because of his person and work.

#1 - There is nothing more freeing, precious, and revolutionary in this life and eternity than to be justified by faith alone through the satisfaction and perfect righteousness of Christ alone.

Let us never tire of such great a salvation!

#2 - In this politically-charged world, as Christians, we have often been seduced by politics as our hope.

Jesus alone can give hope. Engage in politics, and hope in Jesus. Politics makes a bad Messiah.

#3 - If you are God’s child, no matter how good your track record is, your identify and potential is still located where it has been since the first moment you believed: in Christ and Christ alone.

In the search for life, I can’t look to myself, or to others, or to the physical world around me. No, I look to Christ and Christ alone.

#4 - The huge gap between what God requires and what we are able to do is bridged by Jesus and Jesus alone.

There are many roads that lead to hell, but only one road to heaven. Religion, philosophy, and morality damn, but Jesus alone saves.

#5 - Only Jesus can fill, heal, and free us.

Only Jesus saves. Only Jesus strengthens. Only Jesus satisfies. Only Jesus sustains.

#6 - Only Jesus can be Jesus to us.

Let's be careful not to put that unique calling, responsibility, and ability on anyone else. Be careful not to attach your "emotional umbilical cord" to people today. Only Jesus can give life.

#7 - All religions and philosophies say, "This is the way." Only Jesus says, "I am the Way."

The Christian delights in God’s work on his behalf & boasts in the fact that his justification, sanctification, & glorification are in Christ alone (1 Cor. 1:30). The cry of his heart is, “May it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14).

#8 - We all stand in need of what only Jesus can give.

Only Jesus, full of grace and truth, can save hard-hearted, hard-headed sinners and empower them for a life of grace and truth.

#9 - In Christ and Christ alone, you are no less saved on your worst day and no more saved on your best.

Because only Jesus' performance is acceptable to God and your performance is always tainted by sin, the cross is your only hope. This is all because the Lord Jesus reigns—not Satan, not man, not Jesus and man, not good luck, not bad luck, not random events, not chance occurrences, not the alignment of the stars, not accidents, not blind fate, not good or bad karma—only Jesus, and Jesus alone can do this.

#10 - Many voices will vie for our attention today, many narrators clamor for our thoughts.

Many wanna-be gods, idols, and"lovers" will compete for our affection. Only Jesus is worthy. Only Jesus died for us. Only Jesus is full of grace and truth. Only Jesus prays and will return for us. Only Jesus.

#11 - Only Jesus satisfies.

It never works to ask people, places, and things to give you what only the Messiah can give. Earth will never be your savior. No lovely thing, no personal accomplishment, no human affection will ever satisfy your hungry heart. Only Jesus satisfies!

#12 - Only Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Change has no sovereignty.

#13 – Jesus alone delivers from death and hades.

“Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades (Revelation 1:17–18). He has the keys. Fly to him for rescue. 

#14 - In his name alone, you expect Jesus to show up and do the things only Jesus can do.

If there is nothing in your life about which you (and others) can say, “Only God could have done that,” that’s cause for concern.

#15 - Only God's opinion counts.

If we had everything we covet and want, it’d never be enough. Ingratitude is soul-cancer, comparison is heart disease, and envy is a relentless idol factory. So, we are reminded to seek him and him alone (Matt. 6:33). Indeed, in all matters of faith and practice, only Jesus, the riches of grace, and the provision of heaven are enough to satisfy us and lead us above all else.