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10 Things We Lose If We Don't Pray

Every prayer difficulty stems from a misunderstanding of God.

Let's talk about why prayer is so crucial. Instead of just giving you a list of things about prayer, let's focus on what we might miss out on if we don't pray.

1. God's Glory: When we pray, we contribute to the glory of God (John 14:13).

2. Full Joy: Prayer brings us the joy that Jesus intended for us to experience (John 16:24).

3. Receiving Blessings: James reminds us that if we don't ask, we might miss out on what God wants to give us (James 4:2b).

4. Success of the Gospel: Prayer plays a role in the success of spreading the Word (2 Thess. 3:1, Col. 4:3a).

5. Clarity in Preaching: Without prayer, our attempts to preach might bring confusion instead of clarity (Col. 4:3-4).

6. Overcoming Fear: Prayer helps us boldly share the gospel (Eph. 6:19-20).

7. Conversion of the Lost: Paul expressed his desire for the salvation of others through prayer (Romans 10:1).

8. Church's Well-being: Prayer is crucial for the church to fulfill its calling and overcome obstacles (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

9. Healing: Both our physical and spiritual healing is connected to prayer (James 5:13a-14, 16; 3 John 2).

10. Liberation from Oppression: Prayer is key to setting free those oppressed  (Ephesians 6:18, Mark 9:29).

Jesus stressed the urgency of prayer in Luke 11:9-10, emphasizing the need to ask, seek, and knock. If we don't do these, we might miss out on what God has for us.

And here's the thing: we can be confident that God hears us because he is good (1 John 5:14). Jesus explained that just as earthly fathers give good things to their children, our heavenly Father will give us what we need, especially the Holy Spirit, when we ask (Luke 11:11-13).

As we enter 2024, let’s take hold of the promises of God when we seek him in prayer!